Updated 5/19/2020
Assalamu Alaikum
The Shura has decided that in the best interest of the sisters and children and all others, that the sisters and children will not be able to participate in the Eid Salat. The logistics of having the social Distancing in the small enclosure of the masjid, creates safety and health concerns. Additionally, the Imam’s council of South Florida has recommended that it will be better for the sisters to pray at home. And in consulting a member of the health department on the health risks, it is also recommended the confined space is not conducive to everyone’s safety.
As such, in the abundance of caution, we have made this difficult decision. We know many will be disappointed, but this is the best decision for all concerned.
Thank you for understanding and may Allah reward everyone for their intentions and efforts during this very difficult time.
Please enjoy Eid with your families. Eid Mubarak.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulah
There will be Eid salat at Masjid al ihsaan. There will be two prayers. The prayers will be to the right of the masjid where the large tent is and extend forward and to the back gate. Each prayer will accommodate a maximum of 100 The sisters will pray in the masjid. Please see plan. The brothers will pray outside under the tent and extend out to the back fence. The times of Salat will be 830 and 900 am. The Eid salat and khutba will be for a combined time of 15 minutes.
Entry will be only through one gate and a police officer and a masjid volunteer will be allowing people in. Once the salat is completed, everyone is asked to leave immediately to make way for the next group. You will exit through the second gate. Everyone is asked to park outside of the masjid.

Important guidelines :
The following individuals are required to pray at home: Anyone over 60 years of age, anyone that is sick, and anyone who can’t stand and pray. No chairs will be provided.
For everyone’s protection, those who have chronic medical conditions or lowered immunity, should pray at home.
To protect those who are coming to the Masjid, those who have symptoms of any illness, such as fever, cough, sore throat should not attend the prayers
Perform your Wudu at HOME
Everyone is required to wear a mask and bring their own prayer rug. There will be no tarp to make sujud and only partial tent as we are unable to get an additional tent.
Refrain from physical contact such as hugging or shaking hands at the Masjid.
Please wash your hands as often as possible specially when you are in the masjid compound
Cover Your Cough and Sneeze: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Throw away used tissues in the trash and wash your hands with soap!
Children under 5 years old should not be taken to the salat.
There will be no food or toy distribution on Eid day
Note : wearing a mask is going to be strictly enforced. Please do not forget to wear a mask . There is “No Mask , No entry policy, Jamaat will require a suggested distance of at least 4 feet apart.
Volunteers instructions must be followed at all time.
Please PARK on the side of the street. NO parking on the masjid lot.
Please cooperate to make this an easy task for all involved. Jazak Allah Khairan.

Eid Mubarak and May Allah accepts our deeds and efforts for this great month of Ramadan.